
Certified Information Security Awareness Manager (CISAM)

Course Overview

Certified Information Security Awareness Manager (CISAM) is a 2-days hands-on training and certification programme that provides the essential know-how, enabling information security professionals to develop and manage an effective security awareness programme for their organization.

Course Objectives

  1. Identify the “As-Is” state of your organisation’s awareness and competence levels;
  2. Understand the difference between awareness, training and education;
  3. Build and maintain a comprehensive awareness and competence programme, as part of an organisation’s information security programme;
  4. Identify awareness, training and competence needs, develop a training plan, and get organisational buy-in for the funding of Select awareness, training and competence topics; Find sources of awareness and training materials;
  5. Implement awareness and training material, using various methods;
  6. Evaluate the effectiveness of the programme; Understanding and overcoming the obstacles to success; Update and improve the focus of technology and organisational priorities change; and
  7. Create an effective social engineering assessment programme.

Who Should Attend?

  • Information security officers / ISMS managers
  • C-level executives
  • Security auditors, risk and compliance managers
  • Training managers / Human resource managers
  • Anyone responsible to plan and execute security awareness


Basic in IT Security

  • The difference between “awareness” and “behavior”
  • The elements of risks and analysis on why humans are the weakest link
  • The learning continuum: awareness, training and education

Not Available

Course Detail

Calendar 2025


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Registration Course under HRDC

Registration Course with PERKESO EIS

Registration Course